Wewe Media Headquarters in sunny Singapore is excited to announce our latest member, Charlie Li, who takes on his new role as Affiliate Manager. We are always excited to have new creative blood to our organization as it instantly grants us a fresh set of eyes.

Let us get to know Charlie Li as he shares with us more about himself!

Can you tell us a little about yourself? What have you been up to during this pandemic?

Hi, I’m Charlie and I’ve been in the affiliate marketing industry for over 3 years. I started affiliate marketing career as a business development manager in charge of growing business with new and existing advertisers. After a year and a half, I switched my role to affiliate manager to learn more about traffic and also to find more potential of myself. Meanwhile, with the pace of the company, I also had a chance to help with combining e-commerce/COD with affiliate marketing. In 2020, the company built a private network exclusively for nutra COD, also it was a direct advertiser. Luckily I had a chance to work as the team leader for this team.

I would say this journey was never easy, especially in 2020, things were extremely hard. When I was thinking about what else I could do during this pandemic, I saw Wewe Media hiring affiliate manager and I felt it was a great chance for me, then I prepared a lot for the interview, finally here I am, a member of Wewe team. It means a fresh start for me and I really look forward to cooperating with different partners all around the world. Things are getting better now, and will be even better in the year of 2021.

大家好,我是Charlie,进入affiliate marketing行业3年多了。一开始我是在一家联盟担任商务BD,开拓维护广告主客户。大约一年半后,我开始担任商务AM,开拓和维护流量渠道客户。随着公司的发展,我也有机会参公司东南亚电商COD业务,主要负责流量渠道开拓与维护。2020年,公司成立全新东南亚Nutra COD部门,既做广告主,也做网盟业务,后来我也有幸成为该团队的负责人。整个过程并不是一帆风顺,特别是在2020年这个不同寻常的一年,各行各业都非常艰难。在这个特殊的时期,我一直在思考自己还能做些什么,刚好我看到Wewe Media在招聘AM,之后我认真准备面试,最终我非常荣幸的成为了Wewe Media的一员。这对于我来说是一个新的开始,我也非常期待能跟世界各地的伙伴们合作。一起都在往好的方向发展,2021只会越来越好!

What’s a typical day at work as an Affiliate Manager?

Well, to be honest, most of the time, I’ll be in communication, checking data, then communicate; checking offers, then communicate, within the team and with the affiliate partners. However, I feel quite comfortable to communicate within the team or with our partners as it’s very efficient since everyone has the same clear goals.



What is the best thing about working in an affiliate marketing company?

The best thing is that I have a chance to talk to different people, different partners. We could discuss things about some offers or even about this industry, or just talk about daily life, it’s like making friends with different people online. Meanwhile, I could always learn more about the industry.

在affiliate marketing公司里面工作我最喜欢的部分是可以跟不同的人沟通交流,我们可以讨论offer,讨论行业,甚至偶尔聊一些生活中的事情,就像交朋友一样,同时也能学习到一些更多的行业知识。

What made you decide to join Wewe Media?

Before the interview, I was very confused as I was not sure if I should continue working in this industry. I talked to my affiliate friends and also friends from different networks, and I also spent some days thinking about it clearly, in the end I decided to continue my career in affiliate marketing. Wewe Media has good reputation and it is well-known in sweepstakes, so it was a very good chance for me at that time.During the interview, the interviewers were very friendly and professional, meanwhile, most importantly, they respected me and listened to me patiently, which showed that Wewe Media cares about every candidate. The core values and vision told by the interviewers also matched my expectations perfectly, so all those made me decide to join this warm family.

在面试之前,我一直比较纠结,因为不确定自己是不是要继续在affiliate marketing行业,后来我跟很多affiliate朋友以及联盟的朋友聊过之后,然后我自己也考虑了一段时间,决定继续在affiliate marketing行业来提升自己,Wewe Media在行业内是一个口碑比较好的网盟,而且在Sweeps领域知名度很高,所以对于当时的我来说也是一个很好的机会。在面试的时候,面试官们都非常友好而且专业,同时更重要的是,面试官们非常尊重我,也有认真聆听和询问一些问题,体现出了Wewe Media重视每一个应聘者,非常重视人才。面试官们提到的公司的一些核心理念和价值观,也与我的期待非常匹配。这些都让我非常愿意成为Wewe Media的一员。

What challenges and opportunities do you foresee?

Challenges will be there’s more competition coming from different networks, and some advertisers are also building their own networks, which makes it even harder for traditional networks to survive as things are getting more transparent. But this is also the opportunity since only the best ones survive from the competition. We try to be the best ones, offering something with real value to our partners, then it makes us different and we’ll survive under competition. For opportunities, I also feel we need to stick to people’s needs. No matter nutra products or daily life products, no matter in developed countries, like US and European countries, or developing countries, like South East Asia countries, I believe e-commerce will still be taking the lead.


Do you have a favourite quote you live by?  

Stop fighting, and life stops – Charlie. 
Many people ask me why I keep on working and pushing myself so hard. In their opinion, I could just do something really relaxing and enjoy every day instead. Well, this is because you stop fighting, and life stops, then everything seems to be less meaningful. Different people have different goals, so I’m the kind of person who always wants to focus on something and find more satisfaction in work.


What’s your favourite thing to do outside of work?

I like to go out and eat different food, that’s my favorite thing outside of work. I’m keen on food, tasting different food makes me feel very relaxed and gives me too much joy.



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